“The Asian Woman of Achievement Awards have had a huge impact on me personally and professionally. Being recognised amongst incredible and talented women in the science category was inspirational and motivated me to continue to support and mentor early career researchers. The awards came at a time when I was completing a huge clinical trial, and getting ready to share the results with the world, and allowed me to value and embrace my qualities as a leader. I am now an ambassador for the AWA and will continue to promote these for the recognition of other amazing women in science.”

Harbinder Sandhu
Professor, University of Warwick Winner of 2022 Science Award

“The awards provided an entrance to a network of amazing supportive Asian women able to respond and discuss issues facing us in our professional lives. I felt validated and recognised by receiving my award which has boosted my self confidence and ability to be brave in my role. The award is impressive to those I work with and has helped me to be able to talk about my heritage with openness and honesty which is vital in my area of work.”

Anita Grant
Assistant Chief Officer for Trust and Legitimacy, Sussex Police Winner of the 2023 Public Service Award

“To achieve an award for public service has given recognition to myself as a woman in management and a leader of over 30 years.  It makes me proud as a woman of colour being successful and being a role model for our future generation . It placed a unique value on the work of SAFS and highlighted the need of the services we provide. It also gives a platform and a voice to children & adults who have disabilities and/or complex health needs. It also opens doors for many opportunities for all individuals working in the charity and community sector.”

Parpinder Dhatt
CEO, SAFS Winner of 2019 Public Service Award

“Being highly commended for the Asian Women of Achievement Award has been transformative. This has not only connected me with accomplished Asian women, but also integrated me into a larger community. Each woman’s unique narrative has inspired me, their triumphs resonating with my journey. The AWA is more than just an award; it’s a testament to the strength and potential of Asian women, and being a recipient has profoundly influenced my perspective, ambition, and sense of pride in my cultural heritage.”

Judy Zhu
Senior Director, CBRE Highly Commended for 2019 Real Estate, Infrastructure & Construction Award

“Receiving the Asian Women of Achievement Award in the Science category has provided a huge boost to my confidence and given me a platform to highlight the important role played by women of colour in tackling global science and engineering challenges. I have met many remarkable women through the Asian Women of Achievement Awards and Women of the Future Network, who provide me with support, inspiration and motivation to keep championing diversity and inclusion in fields where women, and particularly women of colour, have been historically underrepresented.”

Reshma Rao
Research Fellow/Lecturer, Imperial College London Winner of 2023 Science Award